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PMSE Statement on Treasury 199A Regulations

The Parity for Main Street Employers Coalition welcomes Treasury’s guidance applying the new 20% tax deduction to thousands of U.S. businesses organized as pass-throughs—the S-corps, sole proprietorships, and partnerships that comprise 95% of all businesses and who employ the majority of American workers.…

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Pass-Through Parity Briefing

On July 31, 2018, the Parity for Main Street Employers and S Corporation Association participated in a Hill briefing highlighting new work for Ernst & Young on the challenge of establishing parity for pass-through taxation. Read more by clicking here. …

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PMSE Comment Letter on New York State SALT Fix

The Parity for Main Street Employers coalition--representing more than one hundred national business groups and millions of Main Street employers--strongly supports efforts across the states to restore the ability of employers organized as pass-through businesses to deduct their State and…

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Main Street Employers on Tax Overhaul

The Parity for Main Street Employers (PMSE) coalition released a new survey highlighting the pass-through business community’s initial reaction to the tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).  Early results indicate that the tax relief promised to non-corporate employers is in…

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Can Main Street Businesses Just Convert? No!

If “corporate-only” advocates have their way and the corporate tax rate is reduced, should pass-through businesses just switch to C status to access the lower rates?   Would that shift improve the tax code and how we treat closely-held businesses?  The…

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WSJ Op-Ed: Family Businesses Deserve a Tax Break

The U.S. is unique in its prevalence of small and family-owned businesses. S corporations and other pass-throughs employ the majority of workers and are the foundation of thousands of local economies, ensuring that the benefits of economic growth aren’t concentrated…

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