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Recap: Main Street Tax Day Summit

Earlier today, the Main Street Employers coalition participated in the Main Street Tax Day Summit hosted by the S-CORP Association and NFIB. Attendees heard Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), small business owners from across the country, and tax policy experts discuss…

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PMSE Statement in Support of 199A Permanence Bill

Today the Parity for Main Street Employers Coalition of national groups representing millions of individually and family owned businesses announced its strong support for the Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2021, which would make permanent the Section 199A 20-percent…

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New York Joins SALT Parity Effort

The good news on SALT Parity keeps rolling in.  Just days after California’s Governor signaled his support, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo followed suit and included our pass-through SALT Parity language in his 2022 fiscal year budget proposal. The briefing…

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CA Governor’s Budget Includes SALT Parity

More good news on the pass-through SALT Parity front: California Gavin Newsom has included our SALT Parity proposal in his budget proposal for 2021. This news comes on the heels of IRS Notice 2020-75 that confirmed our efforts and made clear to…

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SALT Parity Q&A

Increased interest in our SALT Parity efforts means increased questions about how the reforms work and why it is the right plan to help Main Street employers during an extremely challenging time. Click the link below for the full Q&A:…

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