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New York Joins SALT Parity Effort

The good news on SALT Parity keeps rolling in.  Just days after California’s Governor signaled his support, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo followed suit and included our pass-through SALT Parity language in his 2022 fiscal year budget proposal.

The briefing book accompanying Governor Cuomo’s budget proposal makes clear the state adopted our recommendations in their latest proposal:

The Budget includes a new voluntary Pass-Through Entity Tax designed to mitigate the impact of the cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions enacted in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Pass-through entities can deduct this tax at the Federal level, thereby allowing partners of partnerships and shareholders of S corporations to receive the benefit of a full deduction for SALT paid before income is passed-through to them. A credit will be allowed against regular State income tax to offset the new Entity tax. This proposal aligns with similar efforts in Connecticut and enables individuals affected by the SALT cap to use IRS-allowed business deductibility to mitigate its impacts.

So, New York joins more than a dozen states actively considering our SALT Parity reform this year.  With the uncertain prospects of federal action, the recent IRS blessing clarifying their position, and the effects of COVID continuing to negatively affect millions of businesses, this is the perfect time for states to take up this reform and help their Main Street businesses.