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Main Street Unites Against Senate Democrats’ Tax Rate Hike

The Main Street Employers Coalition joined with more than 190 business organizations, representing millions of Main Street businesses and tens of millions of American workers, to oppose Senate Democrats effort to raise tax rates on individually and family-owned businesses. The latest proposal includes a 3.8 percent tax rate hike on the active income of 1 million businesses struggling with high inflation and looming recession fears. The letter makes it clear: It’s a tax rate hike, not a loophole closer.

Expanding the 3.8 percent NIIT represents nothing more than an eleven percent increase in the rates imposed on family-owned businesses. Based on Treasury data, we estimate up to 1 million small and family-owned businesses, representing over half of all pass-through business activity, would be at risk of having their rates increased under this policy. This small business tax hike would hurt the ability of businesses that survived the worst global pandemic in a century to remain viable in the coming months.

A full copy of the letter is available here