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Main Street Employers Coalition Featured by CNBC

Today the Main Street Employers coalition joined with more than two dozen groups representing U.S. businesses and employers to unveil a new effort to fight against the Biden plan to raise taxes on job creators. The coalition of 28 industry groups is organized under the name “America’s Job Creators for a Strong Recovery” to make the case that hiking taxes on individually and family owned businesses and corporations will hamper the U.S. economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Chris Smith, Executive Director of the Main Street Employers Coalition, was quoted in a May 25 piece published by CNBC:

“The pandemic has taxed individually and family owned businesses enough — taxing them again while they are still struggling to recover just goes too far.

“These tax hikes would put the path of the recovery at such risk, so we need to make sure the voice of Main Street is heard loud and clear with the people and places that matter most”

The full article can be accessed below: